
never again?

As I saw the last particle of fuel pass through the Archimedes' Screw and drop into the combustion chamber, I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the possibility that this could be my final use of this equipment. Looking back I considered the experience to be frustrating (at the delays for one reason or another) and tedious (not very stimulating having to maintain operation for 2-4 hours for each test).

My next hope is that my chemical analysis for organic and metal traces proves to be a success. On to the next phase...By the way I am not responsible for the reference to Bob Marley, although I have to say the song selection was appropriate. ;)


an imminent convincing argument

For the last 10 weeks, work towards the annual review has been in progress. The task has been to create a 5000 word report for submission to supervisors and other review meeting attendees. For this project I made the early decision to use latex to produce documentation. Most of the time, the results have been satisfactory, but occasionally there have been frustrating moments, the latest of which was with bibtex. Can't get the apacite style to work so having to revert to apalike instead. It will have to do for now as the review is due to occur my the end of the month at the latest.

This is a list of the tools I use and how I use them:
Jedit: text-editor
Gimp: image editor
Imagemagick: image viewer, used to view output from gnuplot
Gnuplot: data visualisation (i.e. creating graphs from data sets)
R: data visualisation, specifically of linear regression analysis but capable of a WHOLE lot more

Perhaps in my next post I'll show some example latex files. For now, the draft document has been sent to those supervisors for review, in the meantime I'm going to start work on creating the presentation which is also required as part of the review. Unlike last year, this time I am going to change from openoffice to latex beamer class to produce the presentation in a presentation mode pdf document.

Following the herd, I've also decided to open my profile to the public...